Solar Panel Cleaning

solar panel cleaning

Dirt and debris on the surface of the solar panel can reduce how much light is absorbed by that area, reducing efficiency up to 21% in residential and up to 60% in commercial installations according to statistical observations. It’s important to keep your panels clean to keep them working their best; regular cleaning can make a huge difference!

Many solar panel installation companies as well as manufacturers have specified regular cleaning as a warranty condition. You may not be covered by the warranty if there is no proof of regular cleaning. That’s why regular cleaning is recommended if you want to be on the safe side in case there is a malfunction at some point.

Many solar panel owners assume that rain water keeps their panels clean, but similar to how you need to clean your car’s windshield after a rain storm, your solar panels need to be cleaned as well. It is recommended that you don’t rely on rain water alone to keep your panels clean.

Contact I Do Windows today for a free quote for your solar panels!